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Getting What You're Dying to Have

Are you surprised when you learn of someone from high school who’s now made it big in his/her field/profession?

When I look at my particular batch, it seems like a majority of those who’ve made it aren’t the ones I would’ve guessed.

They weren’t who’s had the highest grades, they didn’t excel in sports nor were the prettiest.

They’re usually the ordinary ones, people who didn’t make a splash in any form back in high school nor win any awards.

If we removed the element of luck and chance and inherited family wealth, I believe the simply explanation would be is that they were simple the ones who tried harder. The ones who, between now and graduating from high school, somehow channeled and applied discipline in whatever it was they decided to go for.

Because isn’t success, in its plainest definition, achieving a certain goal? And to achieve goals, you must have a ton of discipline. But the question is how? Is it something you inherit or something you can develop?

I think it’s both, with heavier weight on the latter. It’s the people who try harder, stay up long nights until the work is complete, experiment on different ways to execute, devour books, live and breathe their subject matter and find no excuses to give up.

A lot has been written on how to develop discipline and strategies on how to practice good habits. But I think discipline can more organically come about depending on the goals we set.

At the beginning of each year we find ourselves listing a bunch of resolutions, enamored by the hope presented by a brand new year. March is around the corner. That is close to wrapping up the first quarter. How are you doing with the goals you’ve set?

It is not uncommon to not make all your resolutions a reality so don’t feel bad - you’re not alone.

But why is that?

I think we have to revisit the goals we set and ask ourselves how bad do really want it?

I think the tendency in writing goals/resolutions is something akin to creating a wish list. We need to really dig in and focus on the things that we are almost desperate to make happen. How much of our time and energy are we realistically willing to sacrifice to make that thing a reality?

And everything else we feel halfheartedly about, just toss them out. Maybe we’ll feel different next year.

That should leave you a way shorter list. Great if there’s only one thing left. The less number of goals you have, the more you can focus it, obsess over it and pour everything you’ve got for the sake of it. So 1 is an ideal number.

If you really want it that bad, it shouldn’t be as arduous to achieve vs. something you just like the idea of rather than something that hits a chord in your soul.

Now that you have that long list trimmed to just a handful of things (ideally, just one), do something about it.




Practice it. Read about it. Find people who’ve done it and apply their key lessons as you go.

In a year’s time, you’d have gained a level of mastery on it. And when that goal has been reached, it’s a good time to move on to the next.

Mastery is within reach,

Lillian Too’s Mandala Member, Marge

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